University of Virginia Library

Hints Of Humanity

Dwight MacDonald has not liked
many, if any pictures since "Citizen
Kane" and "Children of Paradise."
"The Lion in Winter" is not a great
picture and it stays too close to the
one dimension of dialogue. It is
saved from that one dimensionality
by excellent production, help from
one line in the script, and hints at
humanity. But all one needs do is
see "Can Herionymous Merkin Ever
Forget Mercy Humppe and Find
True Happiness?" to understand
that although "The Lion in Winter"
is not equal to the best movies, it is
worth seeing and immeasurably
better than the worst ("Merkin")
and much better than most films
we see. Dwight MacDonald notwithstanding,
there are degrees of
bad as well as good, and "The Lion
in Winter" is a good picture, though
not a "Citizen Kane."