University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

We were disappointed on reading
the 106 athletes' petition in
support of Coach Gibson. It seems
to us the only people capable of
effectively evaluating a coach are
his players.

One can attribute our poor
record to either a weak coach or
weak players. Assuming, as these
athletes seem to be doing, that the
fault does not lie with Gibson's
coaching ability, then the problems
must stem from the players themselves.
But from where do these
players come? They are a reflection
of the coach who recruited them
and worked with them through
their college years. If the players
are not adequate, who can be
blamed but the coach and his six
years of recruiting.

Gibson is the basketball program
at this school. If the basketball
program is a failure, Gibson is a
failure. In what other profession
can a man fail so consistently and
be allowed to continue?

Russell Lynch
Robert Brilliant
Sid Bowers