University of Virginia Library



Va. Christian Fellowship meeting,
7:30 p.m., Madison Hall.

"Attack Upon Christendom: An
Open Forum for the Raising of
Objections to Out-Moded Elements
in the Practice of the
Christian Way," 7 p.m. at Baptist
Student Center.

Representatives from the Nat.
Bank of Commerce of Memphis,
Tenn., will hold interviews today,
contact placement office for appointment.

Program Board, U. Union, 7 p.m.
Conference room, all ATTEND.

Am. Nuclear Society presents
Mr. J. Cutchin speaking on "Dev.
in Pressurized Water Reactor,"
7:30 p.m. in Thornton Hall, A & M

ART AUCTION tonight, 7 p.m.
Newcomb Hall Ballroom, art on
display all day today.

Consolation basketball entries
due by 5 p.m.

SSOC org. meeting, 7 p.m., room
4B, Newcomb Hall. Business to
include election of new president.

Theta Tau meeting at 7:15 p.m.,
room 120 Thornton Hall. E-School
officer nominations, rush discussion.


AICHE smoker, 7:30 p.m. at the
Huddle, all Chem. E. students invited.

IM boxing weigh-in, 4:30 p.m.

IM final swimming results in
mailboxes at Memorial Gym.

Entry deadlines for IM High
Point badminton and softball also
independent B softball and A
handball March 15.

"The Negro and Admissions at
the University" will be the subject
of a talk by Dean of Admissions
E. H. Ern before the U. Young
Democrats at 7:30 p.m. in room
4A, Newcomb Hall. Open to public.

Graduate Wives in Arts and
Sciences meeting at 8 p.m., Wesley
Foundation Bldg. Elections for
next year.


Theta Tau E. Fraternity rush
smoker March 15, 8-12, DEKE
House, Carr's Hill Rd. All E. students
and faculty invited.

Applications are now being
taken for Resident Advisors for
1968-69. Information concerning
these positions is available in the
office of the Dean of the College.
The closing date for these applications
is March 25.

The E. School Course Evaluation
has been extended until
March 15.

Anyone interested in officiating
High School and College Lacrosse
games, contact Bob Sandell, 109
Woodstock Dr. 296-7969.

Pistol Club meeting and practice
Thursday, 8-10 p.m., Maury
Hall Range, all invited. Experience

Cookie—Please contact the Features
Dept. immediately.