University of Virginia Library

Council Is Racist

Dear Sir:

The Student Council has proven
beyond a shadow of a doubt that
they are a racist body. They have
again refused to enforce their desegregation
resolution, by callously
defeating the motion.

A bad odor has attached itself
to the Council. There are many
adjectives meaning dishonorable
and immoral (words used by Council
members themselves). All of
these adjectives apply.

Again I accuse the Council of
being racist. I defy them to defend
themselves as ingloriously as they
have doe so previously. The
Council is hypocritical in their
enforcement of their regulations.
The facts speak for themselves.
I dare the Council to admit that
the resolution was suspended so
the nurses could have their dance.
This is not justice, or is it? Look
to yourself for the answer.

The men on the Council who
voted against the motion do not
represent me- I would resent any
inference that they did.

Honor naturally follows only
those who have honor in the first
place. Thus the Council need not

John H. Caperton III
College 1