University of Virginia Library

Students Unite!

Dear Sir:

In view of the fact that the
illegality of marijuana is coming
under question in many parts of the
country (Time, Sept. 29, p.77),
I think that a re-evaluation by the
administration on this question is
long overdue. I suppose it is surprisingly
naive (sic) of me to expect
that the University of Virginia
should be anything but a carbon-copy
of our highly hypocritical
society, but it seems that some
decision (instead of the present
indifferent of our
society) needs to be made by the
University on this question. If
Dean Runk and the rest of his
flunkies at the top want the University
to regain any of its previous
reputation as a center of
academic atmosphere, I suggest
that they realize that exactly what
proud difference from the die-cast

The administration is not totally
at fault in this situation. To a
large extent, it is the failure of
the student body to exert its influence.
The general apathy extant
at the university over issues which
govern their life while in
Charlottesville allows the administration
to grasp more than warranted
power. I think centennial
of the publication of the Communist
Manifesto is an over-ripe
occasion for the plea: Students

Gregory Krimer
College 2