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A Revolver Shot
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A Revolver Shot

At length, the Prince slipped
out and conferred with his friends,
who reacted with amazement
at Rasputin's surviving the
massive doses of poison. They
wanted to rush down and strangle
the monk, but the Prince dissuaded
them. Taking a revolver, he returned
to the basement room where
Rasputin waited, head drooping,
breathing heavily.

But at the sight of Youssoupoff,
he raised his head, demanded
more wine and drained another
glass. Telling Rasputin to say a
prayer, the Prince aimed the pistol
at the monk's chest and fired.
Rasputin slumped onto a bearskin
rug and the co-conspirators rushed

" 'He's dead,' " the Prince
quoted Dr. Lazovert as saying
when he saw the monk's bloodstained

The group left the basement,
but the Prince, following "an
irresistible impulse," returned.

"I felt his wrist. There was no
pulse. I was just about to leave
when I saw his left eye quiver
and open-and then his right!
With a violent effort he sprang
to his feet, foaming at the mouth."