Board of Visitors minutes April 27, 1957 | ||
The Curry Memorial School of Education
Charlottesville, Virginia
March 25, 1957
University of Virginia
At the direction of the Assembly of Professors of the University
of Virginia I have the pleasure to transmit to you herewith a resolution
passed by this body at a recent meeting. As you doubtless know this
body is composed of all members of the University faculty of
professorial rank. I am confident that the sentiments expressed in
this resolution accurately express the feelings of the University
Assembly of Professors
University of Virginia
WHEREAS this is the tenth anniversary of the presidency of
Colgate W. Darden, Jr., it seems fitting that this body give some
official expression of its sentiments, and all the more fitting at
this time since rumors have recently become current that President
Darden intends to retire in the near future despite continued age
qualifications, apparent vigorous health and the high esteem in
which he is held,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by this Assembly of Professors of
the University of Virginia, conposed of the members of the
faculties of professorial rank of the College of Arts and Sciences,
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of
Business Administration, and the Schools of Architecture, Commerce,
Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Nursing that
WE tender to President Darden our felicitations and
expressions of good-will on the occasion of his tenth year of
distinguished service to the University of Virginia, register our
sense of deep appreciation for the many services both he and Mrs
Darden have rendered the University, record our feeling of
sustained and continued confidence in his ability, understanding
and wisdom in administering the affairs of the University, and in
the interests alike of the University and the Commonwealth of
Virginia, express the hope that the rumors of his impending
retirement are without foundation
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be
spread upon the minutes of the Assembly of Professors and that
copies thereof be sent to President and Mrs. Darden and to the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.
Board of Visitors minutes April 27, 1957 | ||