University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I have a niece attending your
school. I shall not reveal her
name for fear she will be
scoffed at, call Priscilla Prude
and Virginia Virgin and other
such appellations.

However, she is one of the
fortunate girls. She is immune
to this hideous age and its
scarlet values. Her long brown
limbs and tender bosom will
not be despoiled by some
lusting lout out for a cheap
night's adventure.

But what sort of age is this
that permits institutions of
higher learning to pass out
birth control pills willy nilly,
that allows students to cohabit
without penalty? How long can
our debauched society go on
ignoring the mass distribution
of films like Marjoe, pocket
books like The Story of O, or
more recently Dolinsky's Mind
How long can obnoxious
disc jockeys continue to play
recordings nationwide extolling
drugs and urging to "bang the
whole gang."

Young people, I ask you to
take a moment! Pause,
reconsider your peril. Save
yourselves. Turn your backs on
the licentiousness around you.

And dear editor I ask you,
please print my letter. Allow
one shaft of sunlight to pierce
the gloom of "the stone zone".

J. Arthur Gorham III