University of Virginia Library

Oct. ye 27.

Mr. Richardson preached yesterday, from Deuteronomy
xviii, 10th, 11th, and 12th verses. An ingenious
and solid Discourse, in which he showed that, as
among the Heathen Nations surrounding the Jews,
there were Sorcerers, Charmers, Wizards, and Consulters
with Familiar Spirits, who were an abomination
to the Lord, soe in our time, the Heathen Nations of
Indians had also their Powahs and Panisees, and
devilish Wizards, against whom the warning of the
Text might well be raised by the Watchmen on the


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Walls of our Zion. He moreover said that the Arts of
the Adversary were now made manifest in this place
in a most strange and terrible manner, and it did
become the dutie of all Godlie Persons to pray and
wrestle with the Lord, that they who have made a
Convenant with Hell may be speedily discovered in
their Wickedness, and cut off from the Congregation.
An awful Discourse, which made manie tremble and
quake, and did quite overcome Goodwife Morse, she
being a weaklie Woman, soe that she had to be carried
out of the Meeting.

It being cold Weather, and a damp easterly Wind
keeping me within doors, I have been looking over
with Uncle his Papers about the Hampton Witch,
Eunice Cole, who was twice tried for her Mischiefs;
and I incline to copie some of them, as I know they
will be looked upon as worthie of Record by my dear
Cousin Oliver and mine other English friends. I find
that as long ago as the year 1656, this same Eunice
Cole was complained of, and manie Witnesses did
testify to her Wickedness. Here followeth some of
the Evidence on the first Tryal:

“The Deposition of Goody Marston and Goodwife Susanna
Palmer, who, being sworne, sayeth, that Goodwife Cole saith
that shee was sure there was a Witch in Towne, and that she
knew where hee dwelt, and who they are, and that 13 years


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agoe shee knew one bewitched as Goodwife Marston's child
was, and shee was sure that party was bewitched, for it told
her soe, and it was changed from a Man to an Ape, as Goody
Marston's child was, and shee had prayed this 13 year that
God would discover that Witch. And further the deponent
saith not.

“Taken on Oath before ye Commissioners of Hampton, ye
8th of ye 2nd mo., 1656.

William Fuller.

Henry Dow.

“Vera copea:

Thos. Bradbury, Recorder.

“Sworne before, ye 4th of September, 1656,

“Edward Rawson.

“Thomas Philbrick testifieth that Goody Cole told him that
if anie of his Calves did eat of her grass, she hoped it would
poysen them; and it fell out that one never came home
againe, and the other coming home died soon after.

“Henry Morelton's wife and Goodwife Sleeper depose
that, talking about Goody Cole and Marston's childe, they did
hear a great scraping against the boards of the window, which
was not done by a catt or dogg.

“Thomas Coleman's wife testifies that Goody Cole did repeat
to another the verie words which passed between herself
and her husband, in their own house, in private; and Thomas
Ormsby, the constable of Salisbury, testifies, that when he
did strip Eunice Cole of her shift, to be whipped, by the
judgment of the Court at Salisbury, he saw a Witch's Mark
under her left breast. Moreover, one Abra. Drake doth depose
and say, that this Goody Cole threatened that the hand
of God would be against his Cattel, and forthwith two of his
Cattel died, and before the end of Summer a third also.”


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About five years ago, she was again presented by
the Jury for the Massachusetts jurisdiction, for having
“entered into a covenant with ye Divil, contrary to ye
peace of our Sovreign Lord the King, his crowne, and
dignity, the laws of God and this jurisdiction;” and
much Testimony was brought against her, tending to
showe her to be an arrant Witch. For it seems she did
fix her evil Eye upon a little Maid named Ann Smith,
to entice her to her house, appearing unto her in the
Shape of a little old Woman, in a blue Coat, a blue
Capp, and a blue Apron, and a white Neckcloth, and
presentlie changing into a Dogg, and running up a tree,
and then into an Eagle flying in the Aire, and lastlie
into a grey Catt, speaking to her, and troubling her in
a grievous manner. Moreover, the Constable of the
Town of Hampton testifies, that, having to supplie
Goody Cole with diet, by order of the Town, she being
poor, she complained much of him, and after that his wife
could bake no Bread in the Oven which did not speedilie
rot and become loathsome to the Smell, but the
same Meal baked at a neighbor's made good and
sweet bread; and, further, that one night there did
enter into their chamber a smell like that of the bewitched
Bread, only more loathsome, and plainlie diabolical
in its nature, soe that, as the Constable his wife
saith, “she was fain to rise in ye night and desire her


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husband to goe to prayer to drive away ye Divil; and
he, rising, went to prayer, and after that the smell
was gone, soe that they were not troubled with it.”
There is also the testimony of Goodwife Perkins, that
she did see, on the Lord's day, while Mr. Dalton was
preaching, an Imp in the shape of a Mouse, fall out
the bosom of Eunice Cole down into her lap. For all
which, the County Court, held at Salisbury, did order
her to be sent to the Boston Jail to await her tryal at
the Court of Assistants. This last Court, I learn from
mine Uncle, did not condemn her, as some of the evidence
was old, and not reliable. Uncle saith she was a
wicked old Woman, who had been often whipped and
set in the ducking-stool, but whether she was a Witch
or no, he knows not for a certaintie.