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At the request of the Chancellor, Mr. Michael Houston, Assistant to the Chancellor and Director of Admissions, reported on enrollment projections through 1972. The Assistant to the Chancellor reported that, at the present time, Mary Washington College is enrolling all qualified residents of Virginia who make timely applications for admission to the four-year liberal arts curriculum offered by the College. In February 1965, the College prepared the following enrollment projection for the period 1965-72:

Year  Residential  Non-Residential  Total 
1966  1704  110  1814[1]  
1968  1854  120  1974 
1970  2004  120  2124 
1972  2004  125  2129 

The estimated enrollment for September 1967 is:

Residential  Non-Residential  Total 
2038  153  2191 

Until the situation changes and until additional information is available regarding the impact on enrollment of students from two- and four-year multi-purpose and technical institutions, no change in the projections set forth above is anticipated. It should also be noted that the 1965 projection was based on the assumption that there would be a reduction of 140 overcrowded spaces - a proposal which as yet has not been carried out.


The actual enrollment was 2015