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Jefferson's fine arts library

his selections for the University of Virginia, together with his own architectural books
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18a. Burney, Charles.

ITALY: / OR, / The JOURNAL of a TOUR through those / Countries,
undertaken to collect Materials for / A GENERAL HISTORY OF
MUSIC. / By CHARLES BURNEY, Mus D. / Ei cantarono allor si
dolcemente, / Che la dolcezza ancor dentro mi suona. / DANTE, Purg.
Canto 2do. / LONDON, / Printed for T. Becket and Co. in the Strand.

8vo. Title page (i); explication of some musical terms, etc. (iii-vii); introduction
(1-8); text (9-369); index (5 leaves); advertisement (1 unnumbered
p.); errata (1 unnumbered p.).

Charles Burney (1726-1814) grew up at Shrewsbury under the care of
an old nurse. He was later educated at the free school in Chester, then
studied music with his elder brother James at Shrewsbury. In London
he continued his musical studies under Arne. He later became a wellknown
London figure, a critic and composer, and a lively and busy man.
He was elected F.R.S. in 1773.

He began his journey to Italy "in the beginning of June 1770." In
his introduction he states most clearly the reasons for writing his book:

Among the numerous accounts of Italy, published by travelers who have
visited that delightful country, from different motives of interest or curiosity;
it is somewhat extraordinary [sic] that none have hitherto confined their views
and researches to the rise and progress, or present state of music in that part
of the world, where it has been cultivated with such success. [P. 1]

In hopes, therefore, of stamping on my intended history some marks of
originality, or at least of novelty, I determined to allay my thirst of knowledge
at the source, and take such draughts in Italy, as England cannot supply. It
was there I determined to hear with my own ears, and to see with my own
eyes; and, if possible, to hear and see nothing but music. [Pp. 6-7]

Dr. Burney describes his musical experiences under the headings
of the various localities where they occurred and in the order of his arrival
at the various towns.


Page 44

Sowerby points out that Jefferson met Burney in London and, in
1786, asked him to supervise the making of a harpsichord ("mahogany,
solid not veneered, without any inlaid work"). Burney was delighted to
execute the commission, and Jefferson, in thanking him, spoke of "the
reading of your account of the state of music in Europe" (Sowerby

Jefferson ordered the work for the University, in the section on
"Gardening. Painting. Sculpture. Music" of the want list, without specifying
whether he wanted this edition or a second one, of 1773 (No. 18b).
Although neither edition was received, it may be presumed that he
would have preferred that of 1773. Nevertheless it was a copy of the
1771 edition, the first, that he sold to Congress.

The library's present copies of both editions are in the MackaySmith

U. Va.?



Sowerby 4253