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Economics C1: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course
in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
—First and


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second terms: The general principles of public finance, with a detailed investigation
of state and local taxation. Third term: The financial institutions
and methods of the federal government.

Professor Snavely and Mr. Heimann.

Economics C2: Advanced Money and Banking: Economics B1 and one
other B course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.

The course includes: (a) Money, bank credit and prices; (b) central banks and
(c) business cycles.

Professor Kincaid and Mr. de Gruchy.

Economics C8: Economic Evolution in Western Europe: Economics
B1 and one other course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce
—A treatment of the development of the economic basis of modern
civilization will form the background for an investigation of the working of
economic laws and a critical consideration of the actual problems that
presented themselves for solution in ancient, medieval and modern times.
Emphasis will be placed upon individual work and group discussion.

Associate Professor Hyde.

Economics C11: The Development of Economic Thought: Economics B1
and one other course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
and second terms: A study of the main currents of economic
thought from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. Third
term: A critical study of current economic thought.

Associate Professor Starnes.

Economics D1: History of Economic Theory: First term: Economic
Theory to the time of Adam Smith. Associate Professor Starnes. Second
term: Adam Smith and his contemporaries. Professor Kincaid. Third term:
Ricardo and Mill. Professor Snavely.

Economics D2: Economic Theory Since the Middle of the Nineteenth
First and second terms: Neo-classical Economics. Professor Snavely.
Third term: The Historical and Psychological Schools. Professor Berglund.

Economics D3: Problems in Recent Economic Theory.

Economics D4: Economic Research.

Professors Snavely, Barlow, Berglund and Kincaid, Associate Professors
Starnes, Hulvey, Hyde, and de Chazeau.