University of Virginia Library


For admission to the Department of Law, in addition to the completion
of an approved high school course of four years, or its equivalent, the candidate
must present evidence that for at least two years he has pursued in
a standard college courses leading to a baccalaureate degree, of which he
must have successfully completed at least 30 session-hours.

All the required pre-legal courses are offered in the Summer Quarter.

Credit will be given for completed courses only. A completed course
is one for which the student is entitled to final credit toward a baccalaureate
degree from the institution in which the work was done, without further
pursuit of that course.

Notice is given that beginning with the session of 1932-1933, courses in
Art, Music, Education, Physical Training, or Military Training will not be
acceptable for admission to the Law School.

The following subjects are recommended as desirable pre-legal courses:
English, Latin, a Modern Language, History, a Natural Science, Mathematics,
Political Science, Accounting, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy,
and Public Speaking.