University of Virginia Library


French 70. C. Intermediate French.—9:30 to 11:30; R. 1. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Open to all students having one year of French. Fraser and Squair's French
Grammar; further study of irregular verbs; attention to pronunciation; exercises;
dictation; such texts as Colomba; Monte Christo.

French 71. C. Advanced French.—12:15; R. 1. Credit, 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Open to students who have had two yeas of French. Special attention to the uses
of the Subjunctive and Infinitive; exercises; dictation; conducted largely in French
if so desired; reading of such texts as Athalie, Zaire.

French 155. C. Elementary French.—8:30; R. 1. Credit, 2 hours.
Miss Holt.

Open to students having no knowledge of French. Grammar through regular
verbs; the more important irregular verbs; translation; written exercises; dictation.
Fraser and Squair's Shorter Course and Le Francais et Sa. Patrie.

French 315. French Conversation.—4:30; R. 1. Miss Holt.

Open to all students of French. Daily practice in French conversation. Persons
who are not regular students of the Summer School may register for this course
by a payment of a fee of $5.00. Text.—Causeries en France. Patton. (Heath & Co.)