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Street-Sellers of Walking-Sticks. £ s. d.

For 12 weeks of the year there are,
I am told, every day 35 stick-sellers,
each taking, on an average, 30s. a
week (with a profit, individually, of
about 12s.); we find thus that the sum
expended yearly in walking-sticks in
the streets is...630 0 0

Street-Sellers of Whips, &c.

Averaging that 30 whip-sellers
take 25s. each weekly (with profits of
from 5s. to 10s.) in London alone, we
find that the yearly sum expended in
the streets in whips amounts to.1,950 0 0

Street-Sellers of Pipes (Tobacco).

If we calculate that 4 persons sell
pipes daily the year through, taking
each 25s. (and clearing 10s.), we find
the yearly sum expended upon the
hawkers' pipes amounts to...260 0 0

Street-Sellers of Snuff-Boxes, Tobacco-Boxes, &c.

Reckoning that 15 persons trading
on snuff and tobacco and cigar-boxes
take 18s. weekly (clearing 7s. or 8s.),
we find the sum thus expended an-
nually amounts to...702 0 0

Street-Sellers of Cigars.

Reckoning the number of vendors
of cigars at 100, and the average
takings of each to be 20s. weekly, we
have a yearly outlay of...5,200 0 0

Street-Sellers of Sponge.

Calculating, then, that only 50 per-
sons (and so allowing for the irre-
gularities in the trade) vend sponge
daily, and that each takes 15s. weekly,
— some taking 25s., and others but
5s. — with about half profit on the
whole (the common sponge) is often
from 200 to 300 per cent. profit), we
find the outlay to be...1,950 0 0

Street-Sellers of Wash-Leather.

There are, I am assured, 100 in-
dividuals selling little or nothing else
but wash-leather in London (for these
traders are found in all the suburbs),
and that they respectively take 10s. weekly, with a profit of from 4s. to
5s. There are, also, 100 other per-
sons selling them occasionally, along
with other goods, and as they vend
the higher-priced articles, they pro-
bably receive nearly an equal amount,
Hence it would appear that there is
annually expended in the streets in
this purchase, upwards of...5,000 0 0

Street-Sellers of Spectacles and Eye-glasses.

It may be estimated, I am as-
sured, that there are 35 men who
vend these articles daily, taking 15s. a week (with a profit of 10s.), the
yearly expenditure being thus...1,365 0 0

Street-Sellers of Dolls. £ s. d.

There are, at least, at this time of
year, when the fairs are coming on,
50 doll-hawkers, who vend nothing
else. Say that each of these sell one
dozen dolls per day, and that their
average price is 4d. each; that is just
10l. a day, and 60l. per week. In the
winter time so many are not sold; but
I have no doubt that 50l.'s worth of
dolls are sold each week throughout
the year by London hawkers alone,
hence the annual outlay on street-
dolls would be close upon...3,000 0 0

Street Lot-sellers.

It may be estimated that 50 men
carry on this trade. Each of these
may take 13s. weekly (with a profit
of 7s. 6d.), so showing the annual
street outlay to be...1,690 0 0

Street-Sellers of Roulette Tables.

Calculating the 2 sellers of Roulette
tables take 30s. each weekly, we find
the annual outlay amounts to...156 0 0

Street-Sellers of Rhubarb.

Reckoning 4 street-sellers of rhu-
barb and spice each taking 18s. weekly, we find the sum annually
spent in the sale of these articles to
be upwards of...187 0 0


There are, I am told, 100 rat-
catchers resorting, at intervals, to Lon-
don, but only a fourth of that number
can be estimated as carrying on their
labours regularly in town; their ave-
rage earnings, I am assured, do not ex-
ceed 15s. a week; thus there is a
yearly expenditure of...975 0 0

Street-Sellers of Combs.

From the best information I have
gained, there are 50 persons who sell
nothing but combs, the average takings
of each are 9s. a week, showing the
yearly outlay in the streets on these
articles to be...1,170 0 0

Street-Sellers of Money-Bags.

There are at present 50 persons con-
sisting of men, women, and children
vending money-bags in the streets of
London, each taking on an average
1s. 6d. daily, or 9s. per week, and so
giving a yearly expenditure of..1,170 0 0

Street-Sellers of Coat-Studs.

There are, I am informed, no less
than 70 persons, consisting of men,
women, and children. These, I am told,
take upon an average 15s. a week each,
their usual profits being cent. percent.;
thus we find a yearly outlay on
studs bought in the streets of..2,730 0 0

Total amount of income..£188,189 0 0