University of Virginia Library

Thus sed he, & Hermes hearing did not disobey him,
But stoop'd quickly to bind his winged shoon on his ankles
Gold-glittering, which bear him aloft whether over the ocean
Journeying, or whether over the broad earth, swift as a wild wind;
And his Rod, wherewith men's eyes he drowsily sealeth,
Whom that he list, or again from torpor awakeneth—his wand
Seiz'd he in hand, an' arose & sped forth, God's merry angel.
Till when soon he espied fair Troy & briny Hellespont,
Then he alighted on earth, to a young prince likening himself
With first down on his cheek in manhood's most loveable prime.
They meantime onward past th'old tomb-tower of Ilos
Had driven, & were halting awhile their teams to refresh them
At the river: when now, as nightfall already darken'd,
Idaeus descried Hermes very near them approaching,
And turning to Priam, he in earnest whisper addrest him.
‘Haste to avise thee, my liege! an affair for discretion asketh:
I see a man, who I think very soon may annihilate us both.
Say now, will you we urge our steeds to 'escape from him, or stay
Friendly to deal, and humbly with all entreaty beseech him?’