University of Virginia Library


Page 743


Was born near Saltville, Virginia, on September 23, 1843. He is a son
of Humberson Miller, of Washington county, and a grandson of Hon.
Joseph Miller, member of the Legislature about 1840. The mother of
Felix G. is Catharine E., daughter of Henry Stavely, of Smyth county,
who formerly kept the hotel twelve miles east of Marion. Humberson
Miller, who is a farmer, was captain in the Virginia militia before the
war. He had two sons in the army. Felix G., who volunteered in 1862,
at Abingdon, and served till the close of the war in the 29th Virginia
regiment, in Picketts division, Army of Northern Virginia. The other
son served in a Texas regiment, was twice wounded in battle, then
made prisoner and held for a time at Camp Chase, Ohio.

Near Abingdon, January 17, 1867, Felix G. Miller married Lizzie P.
Dennison, born near Abingdon, daughter of Robert P. Dennison, her
mother Mary, daughter of John Gray, of Washington county. Her
father's father was Andrew Dennison, who came from Ireland to Southwest
Virginia at the time the Prestons came. Alice J., first-born of the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, is now deceased, and they have buried
their two youngest, Grover C. and Ethel May. Their living children
are three sons. Robert H., Alexander B., Peter E. Mr. Miller is a
farmer and lumberman.