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900 Elements of Electrical Engineering. [Rodman.]

Lectures 9-10, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures treating fundamental principles of Electrical Engineering
Free use of the calculus is made in this course. Basic ideas and fundamental
units are discussed; magnetic circuits and continuous electric
currents treated in detail; electromagnetism carefully studied. Special
attention is given to the physical conceptions involved and numerous
assigned problems exemplify and broaden the theoretical conceptions.
The whole course is introductory to the detailed study of electrical
apparatus and machines.

[Required, Fall, in Courses II, III, IV, V (3).]

901 Direct Current Machines. [Rodman.]

Lectures 9-10, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation
of Direct Current Generators and Motors and the accessory apparatus
required for the proper management and control of these


Page 261
machines. The principles of testing such machines are carefully discussed.
A brief treatment of the theory, construction, and operation
of Storage Batteries and auxiliary devices concludes the term's
work. Problem work illustrating the methods of calculation involved
in continuous current circuits and practical examples from
standard engineering practice form an important part of the work.

[Required, Winter, in Courses II, III, IV, V (3).]

902 Periodic Currents. [Rodman.]

Lectures 9-10, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on electrostatic phenomena, variable currents, alternating
currents, and alternating current circuits both single and polyphase.
A careful study is made of circuits with periodic currents and their
characteristics when resistance, inductive and capacity reactance are
present in their various combinations. Extensive problem work is
required to facilitate the treatment of simple and complex circuits.
Free use is made of vector and symbolic notations and of graphical
solutions; while standard nomenclature is carefully discussed. Special
efforts are made to keep the physical conceptions prominent
while the value of mathematics as a tool is emphasized.

[Required, Spring, in Courses II, III, IV, V (3).]

903 Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

Lectures 11-12, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation
of Alternating Current Generators, Synchronous Motors, Rotary
Converters, and Transformers. These machines are considered as
units and as integral parts of electrical systems. Graphical diagrams
are made use of as offering the most readily comprehensible treatment
of the complex relations existing in alternating current machinery.
The principles of testing such apparatus under various conditions
of loading are discussed and assigned problem work illustrates
the theory and practice.

[Required, Fall, in Course III (4).]

904 Alternating Current Machinery. [Rodman.]

Lectures 11-12, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

This course is a continuation of 903. The lectures treat more
particularly Alternating Current Motors, induction, series and repulsion
types, with their characteristics and control apparatus
Methods of testing are outlined and graphical methods of calculation
and predetermination of operating characteristics are discussed.
Problems taken from engineering practice serve to broaden and
fix the theoretical deductions.

[Required, Winter, in Course III (4).]


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905 Electric Power Transmission. [Rodman.]

Lectures 11-12, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on systems of transmission and distribution, with a detailed
consideration of the electrical characteristics of transmission
lines; the electrical equipment of stations and sub-stations, including
generating apparatus, switchboards, control systems and protective
devices. Systems of transformation and the economic considerations
which influence the design of the complete electrical system.

[Required, Spring, in Course III (4).]

906 Illumination and Photometry. [Rodman.]

Lectures 12-1, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on light, its physical properties; illuminants and their
characteristics; shades and reflectors; photometry, standards and apparatus;
illumination calculations for point and surface sources;
principles of interior, exterior, decorative, and scenic illumination.
Problem work illustrating computations necessary for the consideration
of the Illuminating Engineer are assigned.

[Required, Fall, in Course III (4).]

907 Electric Traction. [Rodman.]

Lectures 12-1, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures on the various types of electric motors for traction purposes,
controllers and systems of control, brakes, rolling stock, track,
train performance, and electric railway economics. A discussion of
the complete electrification system for electric railways, including
generating apparatus, transmission, sub-stations and equipment, distribution,
and utilization of electrical energy for car propulsion.
Problem work dealing with the fundamental considerations necessary
for the solution of traction problems is required. After February
first, three extra periods a week are devoted to this course.

[Required, Winter, in Course III (4).]

908 Electrical Systems. [Rodman.]

Lectures 10-11, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Lectures dealing with the fundamentals of electrical circuits and
machines; utilization of electricity as a motive power in industrial
activities. Followed by a more detailed discussion of the types of
power stations and structures utilized in electrical systems; railway
construction and line structures treated with relation to their layout
and design; mechanical characteristics of complete electrical systems.
This course gives a general survey of the electrical field more particularly
for the students of Civil Engineering.

[Required, Fall, in Course I (4).]


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950 Direct Current Laboratory. [Rodman and Instructor.]

Hours 3-5, Tuesday, Thursday.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to
a study of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple
electrical circuits and study of direct current apparatus and its operation.
Characteristics of generators and motors.

[Required, Winter, in Courses II, III, IV, V (3).]

951 Direct Current Laboratory. [Rodman and Instructor.]

Hours 3-5, Monday, Wednesday.

This course supplements 950. It is concerned with some of the
more detailed and special tests of direct current apparatus and serves
to broaden the field presented in 950.

[Required, Winter, in Courses II, III (3).]

952 Direct Current Laboratory. [Rodman and Instructor.]

Hours 3-5, Tuesday, Thursday.

A continuation of 950-1. The work is devoted to those direct current
tests in which machines are groupe and with such tests as opposition
tests for efficiency, parallel running of generators and the
complete electrical power plant.

[Required, Spring, in Courses II, III, IV, V (3).]

953 Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

Hours 10-2, Monday.

This course supplements 902-3. The first part of the course deals
with measuring instruments for alternating current circuits; series
and parallel circuits and their characteristics; polyphase circuits, balanced
and unbalanced. Study of alternating current generator characteristics
is begun.

[Required, Fall, in Course III (4).]

954 Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

Hours 10-2, Monday.

A continuation of 953. Generator and synchronous motor characteristics
and operation are continued and the regulation transformer
tests carried out.

[Required, Winter, in Course III (4).]

955 Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

Hours 10-2, Monday.

A continuation of 953-4. Alternating current machinery in group
relations; parallel running of alternators and the complex tests on
alternating current machinery are studied.

[Required, Spring, in Course III (4).]


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956 Photometrical Laboratory. [Rodman.]

Hours 10-1, Wednesday.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon
different types of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics
of incandescent and arc lamps are studied. Tests of illumination,
interior and exterior, are carried out. Study of photometric standards
and devices.

[Required, Fall, in Course III (4).]

957 Alternating Current Laboratory. [Rodman.]

Hours 10-1, Wednesday.

A course supplementing 954. Alternating current motors are tested
and their characteristics determined. Experimental results are compared
with those graphically obtained by means of the circle diagram;
and the general behavior of various types of alternating current
motors, single and polyphase, are studied.

[Required, Winter, in Course III (4).]