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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Clermanthe strait grasp'd her in th' Arms, entwin'd,
Nurse, take thy Mistress; said; when th' over-kind,
Transported Heart was near for Joy to swoon;
How hugg'd her Lady, wept! nor could be soon
Convinced thus, but 'twas her Lady's Ghost:
Tho when Inform'd, what Spouse she there might boast,
That Prime compleat, young Lord withall; O then,
Had not Clermanthe Kiss'd it in agen,
Her Soul might have leapt for and took Vagary,
As did her Body late, thus, mean Brests carry
True faithful hearts: till Self become, restor'd
All sitting down on Bank by joynt Accord,,
She speaks her weighty News with sober brow,
Whilst gentle Ear Clermanthe does allow.