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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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85 Pœnitentia pœnitenda: Of a penitent Fryer.

Bound by his Church, and Trentin Catechisme,
To vow a single life, a Cloystered Frier,
Had got a swelling, call'd a Priapisme,
Which seld is swag'd, but with a femall fire.
The Leach (as oftentimes Physicians vse)
To cure the corps, not caring for the soule,
Prescribes a cordiall med'cine from the Stewes,
Which lewd prescript, the Patient did condole:
Yet strong in Faith, and being loth to dye,
And knowing that extremes yeeld dispensation,
He is resolu'd, and doth the med'cine trie:
Which being done, he made such lamentation,

That diuers thought he was fall'n in despaire,
And therefore for his confirmation praid.
But when that they had ended quite their prayer;
After long silence, thus to them he said:
I waile not, that I thinke my fact so vicious,
Nor am I in despaire: no, neuer doubt it;
But feeling female flesh is so delicious,
I waile, to thinke I liu'd so long without it.