University of Virginia Library


November 24 THE SCULPTOR

The word of God is ... sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.”— Heb. iv. 12.

The Sculptor took the mallet and He smote
Deep into throbbing flesh,
And with the grace of graving tools He wrote
My little life afresh.
He chiselled here the excrescence of a vice
And there an idle whim,
He counted nothing lost as sacrifice
To fashion me like Him.
And thus he drove the searching iron deep
Through rhythmic blood and brain,
It spared no folly in the dreadful sweep
Of the pursuing pain.
It polished, while it sternly entered in,
The body that should be
A temple of the Lord unsoiled by sin,
And with His Beauty free.
But yet I heeded not the blessèd tool
Nor its remorseless bite,
As in the scorching of that fiery school
My soul waxed infinite.
I felt the touch of something more than art,
As soft as sunset dew
And yet like steel and flame throughout my heart,
Which moulded all anew.