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The Poetical Works of Robert Montgomery

Collected and Revised by the Author

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And hast thou, Curse of the primeval crime!
On one of these Thy vulture-glances fixed?
Shall knells of death moan heavy on the wind
When marriage peals should merrily resound
In tuneful rapture o'er the village spire?
Alas! for every age Death finds a grave,
And youthful forms as oft as hoary heads
Are pillow'd there. Thou loved and loving One!
From the dark languish of thy liquid eye
So exquisitely rounded, darts a ray
Of truth, prophetic of thine early doom;
And on thy placid cheek there is a flush
Of Death,—the beauty of Consumption there!
Few note that fatal bloom; for bless'd by all
Thou movest through thy noiseless sphere, the life
Of one,—the darling of a myriad hearts!
Yet in thy chamber, o'er some graceful task
When delicately bending, oft unseen
Thy mother looks with telescopic glance
Down the dim world of Time, and sees thee robed
A pallid martyr, shrouded for the tomb!