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Sec. 2-202. Contributions by employees not required; amount
of social security payments to be deducted from

No contribution by city employees will be required in connection
with the retirement pay plan established under this
article, but the amount of any payments for primary social
security benefits to which such employee is entitled under the
old age or disability benefit provisions of the federal Social
Security Act, at the time he becomes eligible to receive retirement
or disability pay shall be deducted from the total
amount of such retirement pay due from the city as is set
forth in section 2-208 so that the primary social security benefits
to which the employee is entitled under the federal Social
Security Act together with the supplemental retirement pay
to be paid by the city to such employee, shall equal the total
amount of such retirement pay as is set forth in section 2-208,
and any increase in social security benefits to an employee subsequent
to the time he becomes eligible to receive retirement
or disability pay will not decrease the amount of retirement
pay due from the city. (11-2-59; 2-19-68.)