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Street-Sellers of Hardware.

There are at present 100 hardware
sellers, trading in London, &c.; half
of them, I am assured, may be said
to take on an average from 20s. to 25s., weekly the year through; a quarter
take 15s., and the remaining quarter
from 7s. 6d. to 10s. Calculating an
average receipt of 15s. each per week,
throughout the entire class, men,
women, and children, we find there
is annually expended in street-sold
hardwares...3,900 0 0

Cheap Johns.

If we calculate that there are 6
"Cheap Johns" in London through-
out the year, and that they each
take 4l. per day for nine months in
the year, or 24l. per week; this
amounts to about 5,000l. in nine
months. Say that during the winter
or the remaining 13 weeks of the
year, their receipts are 15l. each per
week, this amounts to upwards of
1000l. additional, thus making a gross
annual outlay with these dealers of 6,000 0 0

Street-Sellers of Cutlery.

Reckoning there are 30 men who
are engaged regularly in the sale of
cutlery, and that the average takings £ s. d. of each are about 15s. weekly, this
gives a yearly expenditure in the street-
trade of cutlery...1,170 0 0

Blind Street-Sellers of Tailors' Needles.

There are now 6 men engaged in
selling needles at the several tailors'
shops, and calculating their average
daily receipts to be 2s. 6d. or 15s. a week each, we find that the annual
takings of the whole are...234 0 0

Street-Sellers of Metal-Spoons in Publichouses.

From the best information I can
arrive at, the number of metal-spoon
hawkers is 20, each of whom take
upon an average 16s. weekly, thus
showing a yearly expenditure in the
street-sale of spoons of...832 0 0

Street-Sellers of Jewellery.

I am informed that there are at
present 500 persons engaged in the
street sale of jewellery, and calcu-
lating a weekly profit of 10s. 6d., and
a receipt of 18s. per individual, we
find expended in the street-trade..23,400

Street-Sellers of Card-Counters.

If there be, on the year's average,
only two street-sellers disposing of
"Jacks" and earning 9s. a week, — to
earn which the receipts will be about
20s., — we find expended in the streets
on these trifles annually...104 0 0

Street-Sellers of Medals.

An intelligent man, familiar with
the trade, and who was in the habit
of clubbing his stock-money with two
others, so that they might buy a gross
of medals at a time, calculated that
15 medal-sellers were engaged in
the traffic the year through, and
earned, upon medals alone, 6d. a day
each, to clear which they must take
6s. 6d. weekly, giving a yearly out-
lay of...253 10 0

Street-Sellers of Rings and Sovereigns for a

One of this class, who is "up to all
the dodges of the trade," informed me
that there were only 6 men working
the rings and sovereigns now in the
streets, and that the average takings
of each might be about 12s. weekly,
thus showing a yearly expenditure of 187 4 0

Street-Sellers of Children's Gilt Watches.

Calculating that 25 persons now
vend watches for twelve weeks in the
year and that each clears 8s. weekly,
taking 24s., we find yearly expended
in London streets on these toy
watches...360 0 0

Street-Sellers of Tin-Ware.

If we calculate an average receipt,
per individual, of 10s. weekly: we find,
reckoning 100 sellers, a yearly ex-
penditure on tins, bought in the
street, of...2,600 0 0


Swag-Barrowmen. £ s. d.

Calculating that 100 of these
traders are, the year round, in London
(some are absent all the summer at
country fairs, and on any favourable
opportunity), and that each takes 2l. weekly, we find thus expended in the
streets of London, in a year, no less
than...10,400 0 0

Sellers of Dog-Collars, Key-Rings, &c.

Reckoning 12s. weekly taken by
12 men, there is expended yearly in
the streets upon dog-collars...374 0 0

Street-Sellers of Tools.

There are at present 40 men en-
gaged in selling tools throughout the
metropolis and they each average
about 15s. weekly. This gives a
yearly outlay of...1,560 0 0

Street-Sellers of Crockery and Glass-Wares.

According to the best calculation
there are 380 vendors of crockery
and glass-wares, and the average tak-
ings of each may be said to amount to
10s. weekly, so giving an annual ex-
penditure in the streets of...9,880 0 0

Street-Sellers of Spar-Ornaments.

In this trade I am informed that
there are now 12 men, 9 of whom
are assisted by their wives, and that
in the summer months there are
18. Their profits are about 15s. per
week on an average of the whole
year. What amount of money may
be expended by the public in the
street-purchase of "spars" I am unable
definitely to state, so much being done
in the way of barter; but assuming
that there are 14 sellers throughout
the year, and that their profits are
cent. per cent., there would appear to
be laid out in the streets every year
on these articles, about...1,000 0 0

Street-Sellers of China-Ornaments.

There are, I am informed, about
30 persons in this trade. If we
calculate the receipts at 10s. weekly
(a low average considering the success
of some of the raffles), we find yearly
expended in the streets in these orna-
mental productions...780 0 0

Street-Sellers of Stone-Fruit.

Supposing that there are 6 per-
sons selling stone-fruit in the streets
through the year, and that each earns
9s. weekly (one man said 7s. 6d. was
the limit of his weekly profits), we find
140l. received as profit on these arti-
cles, and calculating the gains at 33
per cent., an outlay of...420 0 0