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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Hark! 'tis but the sere Leaf which makes
Me with its Footfallmotion start,
Like to a guilty Thing that shakes,
As all were not right at the Heart.


The same Star now is overhead,
Which so oft on my Boyhood shone,
As homeward sent to guide my Tread,
Alas! where does it now lead on?


I know not — 'tis not to my Home;
The Home I seek is very far,


Farther than whence yon' calm Beams come,
Yea! up above yon 'still, fair star!


Oh Eveningstar, that leadëst now,
Unto the household Hearth so dear,
So many Hearts, oh how, oh how,
Canst thou forget me mourning here?


Mine Eyes are dim at Sight of thee,
My feet mechanically move,
Thou draw'st me on resistlessly,
Softbeaming like the Eyes I love.


Ah cruel Star, why wilt thou cheat
Me with this Dream of Things longpast,
Home has no Threshhold for my Feet,
No Warmth is from that Hearth now cast!


Thou art but a mere Star to me,
Like those that near thee coldly shine,
The Home, that gave the Charm to thee,
Is gone, and thou no more divine!


They tell me even on thy fair,
Calm Silverdisk, that Night and Day
Alternate, and that Sorrow there
Too claims o'er human Hearts his Sway.


Then roll thou on thro' boundless Space,
The Home I seek is not in thee,
My Heart would find a Restingplace,
The long Rest of Eternity!