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Quodlibets, lately come over from New Britaniola, Old Newfoundland. Epigrams and other small parcels both Morall and Divine

The first foure Bookes being the Authors owne: the rest translated out of that Excellent Epigrammist, Mr Iohn Owen, and other rare Authors: With two Epistles of that excellently wittie Doctor, Francis Rablais: Translated out his French at large. All of them Composed and done at Harbor-Grace in Britaniola, anciently called Newfound-Land. By R. H. [by Robert Hayman]

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7. Of the Great and Famous, euer to bee honoured Knight, Sir Francis Drake, and of my little-little selfe.

The Dragon, that our Seas did raise his Crest,
And brought back heapes of gold vnto his nest,
Vnto his Foes more terrible then Thunder,
Glory of his age, After-ages wonder,
Excelling all those that excell'd before;
It's fear'd we shall haue none such any more;
Effecting all, he sole did vndertake,
Valiant, iust, wise, milde, honest, godly Drake.
This man when I was little, I did meete,
As he was walking vp Totnes long Street,
He ask'd me whose I was? I answer'd him.
He ask'd me if his good friend were within?
A faire red Orange in his hand he had,
He gaue it me, whereof I was right glad,
Takes and kist me, and prayes, God blesse my boy:
Which I record with comfort to this day.
Could he on me haue breathed with his breath,
His gifts Elias-like, after his death,
Then had I beene enabled for to doe
Many braue things I haue a heart vnto.
I haue as great desire, as e're had hee
To ioy; annoy; friends; foes: but 'twill not be.