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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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82 A Tragicall Epigram.

When doome of Peeres & Iudges fore-appointed,
By racking lawes beyond all reach of reason,
Had vnto death condemn'd a Queene anointed,
And found, (oh strange!) without allegeance, treason;
The Axe that should haue done that execution,
Shunn'd to cut off a head that had beene crowned,
Our hangman lost his wonted resolution,
To quell a Queene of noblenesse so renowned.
Ah, is remorse in hangmen and in steele,
When Peeres and Iudges no remorse can feele?
Grant Lord, that in this noble Ile, a Queene
Without a head, may neuer more be seene.