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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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an A Air Intended for a Dramatic Entertainment ‘The Man of my Chusing’

Centinels proclaim the morning
Cowards dread the daylight daw[n]ing
Trumpets sound—the battles warning
Foe his fellow foe can see
Heroes every peril scorning
Watch impatient Foes & morning
Now my boys the day is dawning
Now for death or Victory
Trumpets sounding—colours flying
Cowards in their fears are dying
Heroes every fear defying
Fight & fall for Liberty!
Trumpets sounding—colours flying
Now my boys it comes for trying
Whos for fighting whos for flying
Now its shame or Victory


Cannons thunder—Battle rages
Heroes Lion like engages
Now for fame that lives for ages
Who would now a coward be
Cannons thunder—Battle rages
Soldiers soldier like engages
Now my boys the fame for ages
Now for death or Victory
Blood & Groans—wars dead to sorrow
Cowards wish for peace & 'morrow
Heroes kindle at the horror
Now will Brittons brittons be
Wounded Lions—Vengance!—horror!
Foemen now begins your sorrow
Weep your Leigons slain to morrow
Now its death or Victory
Trumpets sound—the battles ended
War her Weapon holds suspended
Heroes still for fight defended
Britons stand & foemen flee
Britons rage like hell descended
Foemen but in vain contended
Trumpets sound—the battles ended
England thines the victory
Foemen threaten foemen thunder
Foemen fight for spoil & plunder
Britons never will knock under
Brittons fight for liberty
Foe but vainly dream of plunder
Vain their threat'ning vain their thunder
Britons never shall knock under
Death is theirs or Victory