University of Virginia Library



Sat. iii. 35.

Great Sire of Gods, when thou wouldst vengeance take
“On cruel tyrants, which with murders slake
“Their lust of blood,—there is no punishment
“More dire than this which justice can invent,
“The virtue they have lost, that Good Divine,
“Let them behold, and in beholding pine.
“In bronze Sicilian bulls the dying moan
“Of torture, or the terror-stricken groan
“Of him who, clad in purple, o'er his head
“Saw the suspended sword, are not so dread
“As is his fear who to himself doth own,
“‘We go, are headlong going, hurried down;’
“And inwardly turns pale at miseries
“Hid from the wife which on his bosom lies.”