University of Virginia Library

Saturday 23rd. August 1806

We Set out very early, the wind rose & became very hard,
we passed the Sar-war-kar-na-har [Owl, or Moreau] river at
10 A.M. and at half past eleven the wind became so high and
the water so rough that we were obliged to put to Shore and
continue untill 3 p.m. when we had a Small Shower of rain
after which the wind lay, and we proceeded on. soon after we
landed I sent Shields & Jo. & Reubin Fields down to the next
bottom of timber to hunt untill our arival. we proceeded on
Slowly and landed in the bottom. the hunters had killed three
Elk and 3 Deer the deer were pore and Elk not fat had
the[m] fleece[d] & brought in. the Musqueters large and very
troublesom. at 4 P.M. a cloud from the N W with a violent
rain for about half an hour after the rain we again proceeded
on. I observe great quantities of Grapes and choke cheries,
also a speces of currunt which I had never before observed
the lea[ve]s is larger than those above, the currt. black and very
inferior to either the yellow, red, or perple. at dark we landed
on a Small Sand bar under a Bluff on the S W. Side and encamped,
this Situation was one which I had Chosen to avoid
the Musquetors, they were not very troublesom after we landed.
we came only 40 Miles to daye

My Frend Capt. Lewis is recovering fast the hole in his thy
where the Ball passed out is closed and appears to be nearly
well. the one where the ball entered discharges very well.