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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Sec. 314. Rules and regulations.

The following rules shall govern the City Manager and other
officers in the discharge of their duties relating to the chain gang:


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1. The manager of the chain gang shall take out such prisoners
as may from time to time be delivered to him by the City Jailor
and shall require them to perform such labor as may previously
have been designated by the City Manager. The manager shall
treat such prisoners humanely, using at the same time, however,
all such measures as may be necessary to secure diligent service
on the part of the prisoners and to prevent their escape.

2. The assistant manager of the chain gang shall assist the
manager in such manner as may be designated by him.

3. Each prisoner who is assigned to said chain gang shall obey
each and every proper order of the manager or assistant manager;
he shall perform such work as required of him by the officers
in charge of said force; and shall work each day the force
is out unless excused by sickness or by the City Manager.

4. The manager shall not punish an offending prisoner on any
street or other public place, but shall return him to the City jail,
there to be dealt with as provided by rule 6; and the manager
may call upon the City Sergeant or Jailer for such assistance as
he may require in dealing with an obstreperous prisoner.

5. When a prisoner claims to be sick the Jailer shall promptly
notify the physician of the jail, who shall visit such prisoner during
the day in which he is so notified; if in his opinion the prisoner
is unfit for work, he shall so certify to the City Manager,
and shall continue to visit the prisoner daily so long as he may require
medical attention.

6. Should any prisoner or person assigned to work on said
chain gang disobey any proper order of the officers in charge of
said chain gang or any rules and regulations of the Council, he
shall be punished by said officers in charge so that the same be
not less than fifteen nor more than thirty-nine stripes or lashes
in any one day. Such punishment to take place at the jail, or in
lieu thereof, or in addition thereto such disobedience may be reported
to the Civil and Police Justice who may add such additional
punishment as he may deem proper.