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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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She smiled on me, she smiled on me,
I think as I sit alone;
And my heart o'er its tender secret
Is brooding with love's sweet moan.


“She smiled on me, she smiled on me,
And that soft smile of light,
In a happy silence, through my life
Goes circling out of sight.
“She smiled on me, she smiled on me,
And I walk in a glory now;
'Tis writ on my cheek in a rose of pride;
'Tis read in a light on my brow.
“She smiled on me, she smiled on me,
And my soul with bliss doth ache;
So many a clue to happiness,
I know not which to take!
“She smiled on me, she smiled on me,
And the human world goes by—
In a sound as of Angels talking,
And a feel as if Heaven swam nigh.
“She stooped to kiss me with her smile,
Through the clouds where I darkly lay;
As she glided through my night, My Moon!
High on her heavenly way.
“She stooped to kiss me with her smile,
And life soared up in flame!
But, for my worship, not my kiss,
The glorious phantom came.
“She smiled on me, she smiled on me;
Ah me, that in her smiles
My heart might break, in a wide love-wave,
On her bosom's happy Isles!”