University of Virginia Library


[Soon as with conscious grief I said]

When I said, My foot hath slipped, &c. —xciv. 18.

Soon as with conscious grief I said,
My foot hath slipp'd, Thy gracious aid
My sinking soul upheld.
Ready Thine all-redeeming love
The' acknowledged evil to remove,
And speak my pardon seal'd.
Guilty whene'er my sin I own,
Mercy doth to my rescue run,
The Saviour bids me rise,
Repeats the reconciling word,
In peace and innocence restored,
And freely justifies.
Jesus, I magnify Thy grace,
Thy free unbounded goodness praise,
And mercy without end;
Assured Thou wilt my weakness bear,
Till raised to meet Thee in the air,
I grasp my heavenly Friend.