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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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I would not rashly lift the Veil which lies
Upon thy Face, my Mother! lest below,
Tooclose examining, I learn to know
E'en in those Features, holy to my Eyes,
Our coarse and common Clay! past Times arise,
When the Heart's first Affections for thy Brow
That Veil of Reverence wove, with Thoughts which grow
Only in early Years, with blessëd Ties
And high Associations: it is long
Since we have met, and thou may 'st no more be
The same whom I so loved! thou dost belong
To a bright Dream, and should Reality,
As he is wont, approach it but to wrong,
Who shall restore me what I lose in thee?
Then wear it still— thus shalt thou to me seem
Life's best Reality, and— fairest Dream!
At once Life's most real Good, and what of best
The Fancy has, and of idealest!