University of Virginia Library


The Restoration of Romance

To H. R. H., R. L. S., A. C. D., and S. W.
King romance was wounded deep,
All his knights were dead and gone,
All his court was fallen on sleep,
In a vale of Avalon!
Nay, men said, he will not come,
Any night or any morn.
Nay, his puissant voice is dumb,
Silent his enchanted horn!
King Romance was forfeited,
Banished from his royal home,
With a price upon his head,
Driven with sylvan folk to roam.
King Romance is fallen, banned,
Cried his foeman overbold,
Broken is the wizard wand,
All the stories have been told!


Then you came from south and north—
From Tugela, from the Tweed;
Blazoned his achievements forth,
King Romance is come indeed!
All his foes are overthrown,
All their wares cast out in scorn,
King Romance hath won his own,
And the lands where he was born!
Marsac at adventure rides,
Felon men meet felon scathe;
Micah Clarke is taking sides
For King Monmouth and the Faith;
For a cause or for a lass
Men are willing to be slain,
And the dungeons of the Bass
Hold a prisoner again.
King Romance with wand of gold
Sways the realms he ruled of yore—
Hills Dalgetty roamed of old,
Valleys of enchanted Kôr:
Waves his sceptre o'er the isles,
Claims the pirates' treasuries,
Through innumerable miles
Of the siren-haunted seas.


Elfin folk of coast and cave,
Laud him in the woven dance;
All the tribes of wold and wave
Bow the knee to King Romance!
Wand'ring voices Chaucer knew
On the mountain and the main,
Cry the haunted forest through,
King Romance has come again!

H Rider Haggard, Robert Louis Stevenson, A. Conan Doyle, Stanley Weyman.