University of Virginia Library

Birthday Mottoes.

[May the tale the years are telling]

May the tale the years are telling,
Always be
Like an angel-anthem swelling
Through thy spirit's quiet dwelling,
Till the glory all-excelling
Dawn for thee!

[Many a happy year be thine]

Many a happy year be thine,
If our Father will!
He has traced the fair design,
He will fill it, line by line,
Working patiently, until
Thy completed life shall shine,
Glorious in the life divine.


[Many and happy thy birthdays be!]

Many and happy thy birthdays be!
In the light of heaven arrayed;
With the rainbow arching every cloud
When the pathway lies in shade;
And full and far may the blessing flow,
That thy future life is made.

[Love would strew upon thy way]

Love would strew upon thy way
Fairest, freshest flowers to-day;
Love would daily, hourly shed
Brightest sunbeams on thy head.
So she prays: that heavenly grace
Be thy flower-awakening dew,
And the brightness of His face
Gild thy life with sunshine true.

[‘Upward, still upward’ thy pathway be]

Upward, still upward’ thy pathway be,
Into the sunshine grand and free;
Leaving the mists and clouds below,
Gaining the pure and stainless snow.
Upward, still upward! Thy faithful Guide
Always close at His pilgrim's side,
Leading thee on from height to height,
Nearer and nearer the stars of light.

[Birthday blessings, fullest, sweetest]

Birthday blessings, fullest, sweetest,
Fall on thee to-day!
Earthly pleasure, fairest, fleetest,
Will not, cannot stay;


But the true and heavenly treasure
Cannot pass away:
May its richest, grandest measure
Gild thy natal day!

[The Love of God the Father]

The Love of God the Father,
The Grace of God the Son,
The joy of God the Holy Ghost,—
A blessing three in one,
Be yours aboundingly, I pray,
For this and every coming day!

[Leaning, resting, trusting, loving]

Leaning, resting, trusting, loving,
Enter thy new year!
For the Lord who lives to love thee
Will be always near,
Shielding, guiding, caring, blessing!—
What hast thou to fear?

[We pray Thee for our dear one!]

We pray Thee for our dear one!
May a sunny birthday prove
The portal of long happy years,
All radiant with Thy love.
And we praise Thee for our dear one!
For all the mercies past,
And for all the blessing that shall flow
While life itself shall last.


[A holy, happy birthday]

A holy, happy birthday
And a happy, happy year!
Ah, we have not deserved it,
And yet we need not fear.
For Jesus has deserved it!
And so, for Jesus' sake,
This cup of joy and blessing
With grateful heart we take.

[I have no birthday gifts to bring]

I have no birthday gifts to bring,
But I will crave a Royal dower,
The sevenfold largesse of the King.
His Peace be thine, His Love unknown;
His own deep Joy, His Strength and Power,
His Grace abounding, be thine own!
His Rest be thine, sweet rest to-day,
Rest while the swift years pass away,
And then His Glory thine for aye!