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Against Spongus, a plaine Farmers Bastard, that had gotten to be of a great Lords bed-chamber.
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Against Spongus, a plaine Farmers Bastard, that had gotten to be of a great Lords bed-chamber.

Epigram 335.

Spongus , what makes you so your Sire to scorne?
Is it because he all in Frize doth goe,
And you in golden coates, though ouerworne;
That's cast Apparell of your Lords, or so?
He honours you; you him in scorne forsake:
So, makes an Idoll of a Golden-Asse;
While you your selfe thereby a Diuell make.
That speaketh through a head whose brow is brasse:
Then spirituall whordome he commits thereby,
To honour him he made adulterously.