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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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78 The Author to his Wife.

Your maid Brunetta you with newes acquaints,
How Leda, (whom, her husband wanting issue,
Brought erst to Bath, our pilgrimage of Saints)
Weares her gowne veluet, kirtle, cloth of tissue,
A figur'd Sattin petticote Carnation,
With sixe gold parchment laces all in fashion,
Yet neuer was Dame Leda nobler borne,
Nor dranke in Gossips cup by Sou'raigne sent,
Nor euer was her Highnes woman sworne,
Nor doth her husband much exceed in rent.
Then Mall, be proud, that thou maist better weare them.
And I more proud, thou better dost forbeare them.