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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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J. Baillie, The Belief in Progress (London, 1950). Saint-
Amand Bazard, Exposition de la doctrine saint-simonienne
(Paris, 1830). F. Bouillier, Morale et progrès, 2nd ed. (Paris,
1876). H. N. Brailsford, Shelley, Godwin and their Circle
(London, 1913). H. T. Buckle, Introduction to the History
of Civilization in England,
ed. J. M. Robertson (London,
1904). J. B. Bury, The Idea of Progress (London, 1920). H.
Butterfield, Man on his Past (Cambridge, 1955). E. H. Carr,
What is History? (London, 1961). Auguste Comte, Cours de
philosophie positive,
6 vols. (Paris, 1836-42); idem, The
Positive Philosophy,
trans. Harriet Martineau, 2 vols.
(London, 1875). M. J. A. N. de Condorcet, Esquisse d'un
tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain
1795); idem, German edition, ed. W. Alff (Frankfurt, 1963).
B. Croce, The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico, trans. R. G.
Collingwood (New York, 1913). Charles Darwin, Descent
of Man
(1871; London, 1909). Charles Dawson, Progress and
(London, 1929). J. Delvaille, Essai sur l'histoire de
l'idée de progrès
(Paris, 1910). D. Diderot, “Société,” in
Encyclopédie (Paris, 1751). É. Durkheim, Le socialisme
(Paris, 1928). Ludwig Edelstein, The Idea of Progress in
Classical Antiquity
(Baltimore, 1967). F. Engels, “Letter to
Bloch,” in Marx and Engels, Selected Correspondence
(Moscow, n.d.). R. Flint, Philosophy of History (Edinburgh
and London, 1893). A. Fouillée, Le mouvement positiviste
(Paris, 1896). M. Ginsberg, On the Diversity of Morals
(London, 1956). W. Godwin, Political Justice (London, 1796).
Léon Halévy, Histoire du socialisme européen (Paris, 1848).
J. G. von Herder, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der
4 vols. (Riga, 1784-91), trans. T. O. Churchill
as Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man, 2nd ed.,
2 vols. (London, 1803). L. T. Hobhouse, Democracy and
(London, 1904); idem, Development and Purpose
(1913), revised ed. (London, 1927); idem, Social Evolution
and Political Theory
(London, 1911); idem, Sociology and
Philosophy: A Centenary Collection of Essays and Articles

(London, 1966), Ch. 3; idem, Morals in Evolution (1906),
7th ed. (London, 1951). R. Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in
American Thought
(Philadelphia, 1955). R. Hubert, Les
sciences sociales dans l'Encyclopédie
(Paris, 1923). T. H.
Huxley and Julian Huxley, Evolution and Ethics, 1893-1943
(London, 1947). Immanuel Kant, Ideen zu einer allgemeinen
Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht
(1784), in Kants
ed. Ernst Cassirer, Vol. 4 (Berlin, 1913); idem, Ob
das menschliche Geschlecht in beständigem Fortschreiten
zum Bessern sei,
in Kants Werke, ed. Ernst Cassirer, Vol.
7 (Berlin, 1916); idem, Lectures on Ethics [from students'
notes], trans. L. Infield (London, 1930). K. Korsch, Karl Marx


(London, 1938). O. Kuusinen, ed., Fundamentals of Marxism-
(London, 1961). H. Liebeschutz, Das Judentum
in deutschen Geschichtsbild
(Tübingen, 1967), pp. 9ff. A. O.
Lovejoy and G. Boas, Primitivism and Related Ideas in
(Baltimore, 1935), I, 6. A. Macbeath, Experiments
in Living
(London, 1952). B. Meissner, Die Idee des Fort-
ed. E. Burck (Munich, 1963). J. S. Mill, Auguste
Comte and Positivism,
2nd ed. (London, 1966). C. G.
Montefiore, Outlines of Liberal Judaism (London, 1923).
Baron de Montesquieu, Oeuvres, ed. E. Laboulaye, 7 vols.
(Paris, 1875-79); idem, The Spirit of the Laws, trans. T.
Nugent, Introduction by Franz Neumann (New York, 1949),
p. xxxvi. R. Niebuhr, Faith and History (New York, 1949).
P. J. Proudhon, De la justice dans la révolution et dans
3 vols. (Paris, 1858; ed. M. Rivière, 1927). Charles
Renouvier, Introduction à la philosophie analytique de
(Paris, 1896). J. M. Robertson, Buckle and his
(London, 1895); idem, The Evolution of States (New
York and London, 1913). Henri de Saint-Simon, M#233;moire
sur la science de l'homme,
in Oeuvres choisis (Paris, 1859),
Vol. II. H. Spencer, The Study of Sociology (1873; London,
1892); idem, Principles of Sociology, 3 vols. (London,
1876-96); idem, Essays Scientific and Speculative (London,
1901); idem, Social Statics (1851; London, 1902). W. R.
Sorley, Ethics of Naturalism (London, 1885). A. Toynbee,
A Study of History, 12 vols. (London, 1934-61). H. R.
Trevor-Roper, Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Religion,
the Reformation and Social Change
(London, 1967). A. R. J.
Turgot, Oeuvres (1808); Life and Writings of Turgot, ed.
W. Walker Stephens, 2 vols. (London, 1895). G. Vico, La
Scienza nuova prima,
trans. T. G. Bergin and M. H. Fisch
as The New Science of Giambattista Vico (Ithaca, 1948).
F.-M. A. de Voltaire, Essai sur les moeurs et l'esprit des
(1756), in Oeuvres (Paris, 1792). E. Westermarck,
Origin and Development of Moral Ideas (London, 1906).
A. N. Whitehead, Science and the Modern World (New York,
1925; Cambridge, 1926), Ch. I. M. Wiener, “Der Messiasge-
danke und seine Umbiegung,” Festgabe für C. G. Montefiore
(Berlin, 1928). K. Wilhelm, “The Idea of Humanity in Juda-
ism,” Studies in Rationalism, Judaism and Universalism, ed.
R. Loewe (London, 1967).


[See also Causation, Final Causes; Cycles; Education;
Evolutionism; Justice; Law, Natural; Nationalism; Perfect-
; Primitivism; Prophecy; Socialism.]