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Scipio, Masinissa, Sophonisba.
Ah no! While I have breath ...

Ah traitor! In thy bosom I will then
Take vengeance for that immolated lady.

Behold my breast defenceless: I will loose,
That I may be thy victim, thy right-hand;
Except for this, in vain thou wishest it.

Oh Masinissa, if thou dar'st, I hate thee ...

Me, me alone, thy hand may immolate;
But, while I live, thou shalt not turn thy sword
Against thy own breast.

—I am once more myself.—
Scipio, of all hast thou bereft me now,
E'en to my sense of honour.

Thankless man! ...
Canst thou calumniate Scipio? He grants me,
As he has granted Syphax, a free death;
While perhaps he might have interdicted it:
By dint of force he wrests thee from the shame
Of an effeminate opprobrious death:
And darest thou, ungrateful, darest thou


Calumniate Scipio? Yield, ah yield to him!
He is at once thy brother, father, friend.

Now leave me: thou in vain dost check my rage.
Death ... death ... I yet ...

Ah Scipio ... leave him not:
Out of my sight elsewhere drag him by force:
He was born great, and thy sublime example
To greatness may restore him: from the world,
From Rome, conceal his weakness ... I ... already ...
Feel my tongue palsied ... and my blood congeal'd ...
To him I give not ... not to rend his heart ...
The last farewell.—Ah drag him hence ... I pray thee;
And me ... leave me to die, ... as ought to die
Asdrubal's daughter ... in the ... Roman camp.

Ah! ... By despair ... by grief ... I am bereft
Of all my strength ... I scarce can breathe ... much less
Inflict ... a blow ...

Come; I will use towards thee
The violence of a friend. I will not leave thee ...
Nor ever shall thy grief destroy thy life,
If with thyself thou do not slay thy Scipio.


Dragging him forcibly towards the tents.