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A Tragedy

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Demetrius, Aspasia, enter as talking.
Enough—resistless Reason calms my Soul—
Approving Justice smiles upon your Cause,
And Nature's Rights entreat th' asserting Sword.
Yet when your Hand is lifted to destroy,
Think—but excuse a Woman's needless Caution,
Purge well thy Mind from ev'ry private Passion,
Drive Int'rest, Love, and Vengeance from thy Thoughts,
Fill all thy ardent Breast with Greece and Virtue,
Then strike secure, and Heav'n assist the Blow.

Thou kind Assistant of my better Angel,
Propitious Guide of my bewilder'd Soul,
Calm of my Cares, and Guardian of my Virtue.

My Soul first kindled by thy bright Example,
To noble Thought and gen'rous Emulation,
Now but reflects those Beams that flow'd from thee.

With native Lustre and unborrow'd Greatness,
Thou shin'st, bright Maid, superior to Distress;
Unlike the trifling Race of vulgar Beauties,
Those glitt'ring Dew-drops of a vernal Morn,


That spread their Colours to the genial Beam,
And sparkling quiver to the Breath of May;
But when the Tempest with sonorous Wing
Sweeps o'er the Grove, forsake the lab'ring Bough,
Dispers'd in Air or mingled with the Dust.

Forbear this Triumph—still new Conflicts wait us,
Foes unforeseen, and Dangers unsuspected.
Oft when the fierce Besiegers eager Host
Beholds the fainting Garrison retire,
And rushes joyful to the naked Wall,
Destruction flashes from th' insidious Mine,
And sweeps th' exulting Conqueror away:
Perhaps in vain the Sultan's Anger spar'd me,
To find a meaner Fate from treach'rous Friendship—

Can Abdalla then dissemble?
That firy Chief, renown'd for gen'rous Freedom,
For Zeal unguarded, undissembled Hate,
For daring Truth, and turbulence of Honour?

This open Friend, this undesigning Hero,
With noisy Falshoods forc'd me from your Arms,
To shock my Virtue with a Tale of Love.

Did not the Cause of Greece restrain my Sword,
Aspasia should not fear a second Insult.

His Pride and Love by Turns inspir'd his Tongue,
And intermix'd my Praises with his own;
His Wealth, his Rank, his Honours he recounted,
Till in the midst of Arrogance and Fondness,


Th' approaching Sultan forc'd me from the Palace;
Then while he gaz'd upon his yielding Mistress,
I stole unheeded from their ravish'd Eyes,
And sought this happy Grove in quest of Thee.

Soon may the final Stroke decide our Fate,
Lest baneful Discord crush our infant Scheme,
And strangled Freedom perish in the Birth.

My Bosom harrass'd with alternate Passions,
Now hopes, now fears—

Th' Anxieties of Love.

Think how the sov'reign Arbiter of Kingdoms,
Detests thy false Associates black Designs,
And frowns on Perjury, Revenge and Murder.
Embark'd with Treason on the Seas of Fate,
When Heav'n shall bid the swelling Billows rage,
And point vindictive Lightnings at Rebellion,
Will not the Patriot share the Traytor's Danger?
Oh could thy Hand unaided free thy Country,
Nor mingled Guilt pollute the sacred Cause!

Permitted oft, though not inspir'd by Heav'n,
Successful Treasons punish impious Kings.

Nor end my Terrors with the Sultan's Death;
Far as Futurity's untravell'd Waste
Lies open to Conjecture's dubious Ken,
On ev'ry Side Confusion, Rage and Death,
Perhaps the Phantoms of a Woman's Fear,
Beset the treacherous Way with fatal Ambush;


Each Turkish Bosom burns for thy Destruction,
Ambitious Cali dreads the Statesman's Arts,
And hot Abdalla hates the happy Lover.

Capricious Man! to Good and Ill inconstant,
Too much to fear or trust, is equal Weakness.
Sometimes the Wretch unaw'd by Heav'n or Hell,
With mad Devotion idolizes Honour.
The Bassa, reeking with his Master's Murder,
Perhaps may start at violated Friendship.

How soon, alas! will Int'rest, Fear, or Envy,
O'erthrow such weak, such accidental Virtue,
Nor built on Faith, nor fortify'd by Conscience?

When desp'rate Ills demand a speedy Cure,
Distrust is Cowardice, and Prudence Folly.

Yet think a Moment, ere you court Destruction,
What Hand, when Death has snatch'd away Demetrius,
Shall guard Aspasia from triumphant Lust.

Dismiss these needless Fears—a Troop of Greeks
Well known, long try'd, expect us on the Shore.
Borne on the Surface of the smiling Deep,
Soon shalt thou scorn, in Safety's Arms repos'd,
Abdalla's Rage and Cali's Stratagems.

Still, still Distrust sits heavy on my Heart.
Will e'er an happier Hour revisit Greece?

Should Heav'n yet unappeas'd refuse its Aid,
Disperse our Hopes, and frustrate our Designs,


Yet shall the Conscience of the great Attempt
Diffuse a Brightness on our future Days;
Nor will his Country's Groans reproach Demetrius.
But how can'st thou support the Woes of Exile?
Can'st thou forget hereditary Splendours,
To live obscure upon a foreign Coast,
Content with Science, Innocence and Love?

Nor Wealth, nor Titles, make Aspasia's Bliss.
O'erwhelm'd and lost amidst the publick Ruins
Unmov'd I saw the glitt'ring Trifles perish,
And thought the petty Dross beneath a Sigh.
Chearful I follow to the rural Cell,
Love be my Wealth, and my Distinction Virtue.

Submissive and prepar'd for each Event,
Now let us wait the last Award of Heav'n,
Secure of Happiness from Flight or Conquest,
Nor fear the Fair and Learn'd can want Protection.
The mighty Tuscan courts the banish'd Arts
To kind Italia's hospitable Shades;
There shall soft Leisure wing th' excursive Soul,
And Peace propitious smile on fond Desire;
There shall despotick Eloquence resume
Her ancient Empire o'er the yielding Heart;
There Poetry shall tune her sacred Voice,
And wake from Ignorance the Western World.



Demetrius, Aspasia, Cali.
At length th' unwilling Sun resigns the World
To Silence and to Rest. The Hours of Darkness,
Propitious Hours to Stratagem and Death,
Pursue the last Remains of ling'ring Light.

Count not these Hours as Parts of vulgar Time,
Think them a sacred Treasure lent by Heav'n,
Which squander'd by Neglect, or Fear, or Folly,
No Pray'r recals, no Diligence redeems;
To-morrow's Dawn shall see the Turkish King
Stretch'd in the Dust, or tow'ring on his Throne;
To-morrow's Dawn shall see the mighty Cali
The sport of Tyranny, or Lord of Nations.

Then waste no longer these important Moments
In soft Endearments, and in gentle Murmurs,
Nor lose in Love the Patriot and the Hero.

'Tis Love combin'd with Guilt alone, that melts
The soften'd Soul to Cowardice and Sloth;
But virtuous Passion prompts the great Resolve,
And fans the slumb'ring Spark of heav'nly Fire.
Retire, my Fair, that Pow'r that smiles on Goodness
Guide all thy Steps, calm ev'ry stormy Thought,
And still thy Bosom with the Voice of Peace.

Soon may we meet again, secure and free,
To feel no more the Pangs of Separation.



Demetrius, Cali.
This Night alone is ours—Our mighty Foe,
No longer lost in am'rous Solitude,
Will now remount the slighted Seat of Empire,
And show Irene to the shouting People:
Aspasia left her sighing in his Arms,
And list'ning to the pleasing Tale of Pow'r,
With soften'd Voice she dropp'd the faint Refusal,
Smiling Consent she sat, and blushing Love.

Now, Tyrant, with Satiety of Beauty,
Now feast thine Eyes, thine Eyes that ne'er hereafter
Shall dart their am'rous Glances at the Fair,
Or glare on Cali with malignant Beams.


Demetrius, Cali, Leontius, Abdalla.
Our Bark unseen has reach'd th' appointed Bay,
And where yon Trees wave o'er the foaming Surge
Reclines against the Shore: Our Grecian Troop
Extends its Lines along the sandy Beach,
Elate with Hope, and panting for a Foe.

The fav'ring Winds assist the great Design,
Sport in our Sails, and murmur o'er the Deep.

'Tis well—A single Blow compleats our Wishes:
Return with speed, Leontius, to your Charge;
The Greeks disorder'd by their Leader's Absence,


May droop dismay'd, or kindle into Madness.

Suspected still?—What Villain's pois'nous Tongue
Dares join Leontius' Name with Fear or Falshood?
Have I for this preserv'd my guiltless Bosom,
Pure as the Thoughts of infant Innocence?
Have I for this defy'd the Chiefs of Turkey,
Intrepid in the flaming Front of War?

Hast thou not search'd my Soul's profoundest Thoughts?
Is not the Fate of Greece and Cali thine?

Why has thy Choice then pointed out Leontius,
Unfit to share this Night's illustrious Toils?
To wait remote from Action, and from Honour,
An idle List'ner to the distant Cries
Of slaughter'd Infidels, and Clash of Swords!
Tell me the Cause, that while thy Name, Demetrius,
Shall soar triumphant on the Wings of Glory,
Despis'd and curs'd, Leontius must descend
Through hissing Ages, a proverbial Coward,
The Tale of Women, and the Scorn of Fools?

Can brave Leontius be the Slave of Glory?
Glory, the casual Gift of thoughtless Crouds!
Glory, the Bribe of avaricious Virtue!
Be but my Country free, be thine the Praise;
I ask no Witness, but attesting Conscience,
No Records, but the Records of the Sky.

Wilt thou then head the Troop upon the Shore,
While I destroy th' Oppressor of Mankind?


What can'st thou boast superiour to Demetrius?
Ask to whose Sword the Greeks will trust their Cause,
My Name shall echo through the shouting Field;
Demand whose Force yon Turkish Heroes dread,
The shudd'ring Camp shall murmur out Demetrius.

Must Greece, still wretched by her Children's Folly,
For ever mourn their Avarice or Factions?
Demetrius justly pleads a double Title,
The Lover's Int'rest aids the Patriot's claim.

My Pride shall ne'er protract my Country's Woes;
Succeed, my Friend, unenvied by Leontius.

I feel new Spirit shoot along my Nerves,
My Soul expands to meet approaching Freedom.
Now hover o'er us with propitious Wings,
Ye sacred Shades of Patriots and of Martyrs;
All ye, whose blood tyrannick Rage effus'd,
Or Persecution drank, attend our Call;
And from the Mansions of perpetual Peace
Descend, to sweeten Labours once your own.

Go then, and with united Eloquence
Confirm your Troops; and when the Moon's fair Beam
Plays on the quiv'ring Waves, to guide our Flight,
Return Demetrius, and be free for ever.

[Exeunt Dem. and Leon.



Cali, Abdalla.
How the new Monarch, swell'd with airy Rule,
Looks down, contemptuous, from his fancy'd Height,
And utters Fate, unmindful of Abdalla.

Far be such black Ingratitude from Cali,
When Asia's Nations own me for their Lord,
Wealth, and Command, and Grandeur shall be thine.

Is this the Recompence reserv'd for me?
Dar'st thou thus dally with Abdalla's Passion?
Henceforward hope no more my slighted Friendship,
Wake from thy Dream of Pow'r to Death and Tortures,
And bid thy visionary Throne farewell.

Name and enjoy thy Wish—

I need not name it;
Aspasia's Lovers know but one Desire,
Nor hope, nor wish, nor live but for Aspasia.

That fatal Beauty plighted to Demetrius
Heav'n makes not mine to give.

Nor to deny.

Obtain her and possess, thou know'st thy Rival.


Too well I know him, since on Thracia's Plains
I felt the Force of his tempestuous Arm,
And saw my scatter'd Squadrons fly before him.
Nor will I trust th' uncertain Chance of Combat;
The Rights of Princes let the Sword decide,
The petty Claims of Empire and of Honour:
Revenge and subtle Jealousy shall teach
A surer Passage to his hated Heart.

O spare the gallant Greek, in him we lose
The Politician's Arts, and Heroe's Flame.

When next we meet before we storm the Palace,
The Bowl shall circle to confirm our League,
Then shall these Juices taint Demetrius' Draught,
[Shewing a Phial.
And stream destructive through his freezing Veins:
Thus shall he live to strike th' important Blow,
And perish ere he tastes the Joys of Conquest.


Mahomet, Mustapha, Cali, Abdalla.
Henceforth for ever happy be this Day,
Sacred to Love, to Pleasure, and Irene:
The matchless Fair has bless'd me with Compliance;
Let every Tongue resound Irene's Praise,
And spread the general Transport through Mankind.


Blest Prince, for whom indulgent Heav'n ordains
At once the Joys of Paradise and Empire,
Now join thy People's, and thy Cali's Prayers,
Suspend thy Passage to the Seats of Bliss,
Nor wish for Houries in Irene's Arms.

Forbear—I know the long try'd Faith of Cali.

O! could the Eyes of Kings, like those of Heav'n,
Search to the dark Recesses of the Soul,
Oft would they find Ingratitude and Treason,
By Smiles, and Oaths, and Praises ill disguis'd.
How rarely would they meet in crouded Courts,
Fidelity so firm, so pure, as mine!

Yet ere we give our loosen'd Thoughts to Rapture,
Let Prudence obviate an impending Danger.
Tainted by Sloth, the Parent of Sedition,
The hungry Janizary burns for Plunder,
And growls in private o'er his idle Sabre.

To still their Murmurs ere the twentieth Sun
Shall shed his Beams upon the bridal Bed,
I rouse to War, and conquer for Irene.
Then shall the Rhodian mourn his sinking Tow'rs,
And Buda fall, and proud Vienna tremble,
Then shall Venetia feel the Turkish Pow'r,
And subject Seas roar round their Queen in vain.

Then seize fair Italy's delightful Coast,
To fix your Standard in Imperial Rome.

Her Sons malicious Clemency shall spare,


To form new Legends, sanctify new Crimes,
To canonize the Slaves of Superstition,
And fill the World with Follies and Impostures,
Till angry Heav'n shall mark them out for Ruin,
And War o'erwhelm them in their Dream of Vice.
O could her fabled Saints, and boasted Prayers
Call forth her ancient Heroes to the Field,
How should I joy, 'midst the fierce shock of Nations,
To cross the Tow'rings of an equal Soul,
And bid the master Genius rule the World.
Abdalla, Cali, go—proclaim my Purpose.

[Exeunt Cali and Abdalla.


Mahomet, Mustapha.
Still Cali lives, and must he live To-morrow?
That fawning Villain's forc'd Congratulations
Will cloud my Triumphs, and pollute the Day.

With cautious Vigilance, at my Command,
Two faithful Captains, Hasan and Caraza,
Pursue him through his Labyrinths of Treason,
And wait your Summons to report his Conduct.

Call them—but let them not prolong their Tale,
Nor press too much upon a Lover's Patience.

[Exit Must.


Whome'er the Hope, still blasted, still renew'd,
Of Happiness, lures on from Toil to Toil,


Remember Mahomet, and cease thy Labour.
Behold him here, in Love, in War successful,
Behold him wretched in his double Triumph;
His Fav'rite faithless, and his Mistress base.
Ambition only gave her to my Arms,
By Reason not convinc'd, nor won by Love.
Ambition was her Crime, but meaner Folly,
Dooms me to loath at once, and doat on Falshood,
And idolize th' Apostate I contemn.
If thou art more than the gay Dream of Fancy,
More than a pleasing Sound without a Meaning,
O Happiness! sure thou art all Aspasia's.


Mahomet, Mustapha, Hasan and Caraza.
Caraza speak—have ye remark'd the Bassa?

Close, as we might unseen, we watch'd his Steps;
His Air disorder'd, and his Gait unequal,
Betray'd the wild Emotions of his Mind.
Sudden he stops, and inward turns his Eyes,
Absorb'd in Thought; then starting from his Trance,
Constrains a sullen Smile, and shoots away.
With him Abdalla we beheld—


He wears of late Resentment on his Brow,
Deny'd the Government of Servia's Province.

We mark'd him storming in Excess of Fury,


And heard within the Thicket that conceal'd us,
An undistinguish'd Sound of threat'ning Rage.

How Guilt once harbour'd in the conscious Breast,
Intimidates the Brave, degrades the Great.
See Cali, Dread of Kings, and Pride of Armies,
By Treason levell'd with the Dregs of Men.
Ere guilty Fear depress'd the hoary Chief,
An angry Murmur, a rebellious Frown,
Had stretch'd the fiery Boaster in the Grave.

Shall Monarchs fear to draw the Sword of Justice,
Aw'd by the Croud, and by their Slaves restrain'd?
Seize him this Night, and through the private Passage
Convey him to the Prison's inmost Depths,
Reserv'd to all the Pangs of tedious Death.

[Exeunt Mahomet and Mustapha.


Hasan, Caraza.
Shall then the Greeks, unpunish'd and conceal'd,
Contrive perhaps, the Ruin of our Empire,
League with our Chiefs, and propagate Sedition?

Whate'er their Scheme the Bassa's Death defeats it,
And Gratitude's strong Ties restrain my Tongue.

What Ties to Slaves? what Gratitude to Foes?

In that black Day when slaughter'd Thousands fell
Around these fatal Walls, the Tide of War


Bore me victorious onward, where Demetrius
Tore unresisted from the Giant Hand
Of stern Sebalias the triumphant Crescent,
And dash'd the Might of Asem from the Ramparts.
There I became, nor blush to make it known,
The Captive of his Sword. The coward Greeks,
Enrag'd by Wrongs, exulting with Success,
Doom'd me to die with all the Turkish Captains.
But brave Demetrius scorn'd the mean Revenge,
And gave me Life—

Do thou repay the Gift,
Left unrewarded Mercy lose its Charms.
Profuse of Wealth, or bounteous of Success,
When Heav'n bestows the Privilege to bless;
Let no weak Doubt the gen'rous Hand restrain,
For when was Pow'r beneficent in vain?