University of Virginia Library

Scena, 7.

The Duke Anthenor, Duchess, &c.
Gone after him d'ye say?

I can assure your Highness,

Why this is fine, very fine,—
but see she's here.

I'm glad I've found his haunts yet, now I see
he goes to Erminia's still,
when he makes such haste from me.

How comes she to know that?
I'de best make no secret then of what
she knows already, lest she suspect
some farther secret in't, more then she knows.—
Well, what if I visit Erminia sometimes?
'tis but to comfort her in her solitude
and sadness in her husbands absence.


this is a discovery I lookt not for;—
'tis well my Lord y'are very charitable
to other mens wives in their absence, & give me
example what to do when you are absent
with other womens husbands too;
and is this your going a hunting? I'm glad I faith
I know what Game it is you chase.

What have I done?
betray'd my self? this is this foolish conscience
makes us do such poor ignoble things,
a noble spirit wod be asham'd of;
she's gone inrag'd,
and rage that in petty bosoms, as winds
in narrow brooks, makes small commotion;
in mighty ones raises as fearful storms,
as boisterous winds in the vaste Ocean:
no matter, let her go, if Erminia's name
can raise a tempest, I have an exorcisme
of Aurindo's can allay it again;
nor will I desist—“the bold and resolute,
“when checkt and reprehended for their faults,
“grow more licentious, and devoid of shame,
“onely the weak and timerous refrain.

manet Althea.
I'm glad she's gone, and I safe here, I was
in a terrible fright;—
for her calling me Bawd it never angred me,
it's no disgrace to a waiting woman; but


to call me old Hag!—