University of Virginia Library


Fabritio Climene.
Fabritio comming out the Mine.
Thanks unto Carlos, and in spight of destinie,
I hope to see Climene in this garden
But to conceale the meanes on't I must cover
Most carefullie the opening of the Mine:
Those stones, and those greene boughs will make the hole
Invisible, I need but seek the ingratefull,
Before I vent my anger; I'le reproach her
With my pass'd services, with her inconstancie,
And her false oaths; for feare my death should give her,
Some satisfaction, and to th'end t'afflict her,
I will appeare unto her, and protest
That I will live yet to abhorre her; yonder
I see that faire inconstant; but alas!
I see her pale, cold, and in dying posture;
At this sad object which confoundeth me,
A tender pittie doth succeed my passion;
And if this pittie caus'd by her misfortune,
Is not yet love, tis something, sure, that's neere it,
Climene thou faire object of the flame
which riseth up againe, when almost dead,
Cast yet a languishing look upon Fabritio;
For all thy anger and inconstancie,
I never sought any reveng gainst thee;
Returne, and if thou wilt not that I live,
At least with one sweet look honour my death:
I heare some comming, I must hide my selfe.


If I should goe into the Mine againe,
There's danger I mighr be surpris'd.