University of Virginia Library

Scene. 5.

Enter Byplay.
Why doe you not enter, what are you asleepe?—

My Lord the madde young Gentleman.—

What of him?

He has got into our Tyring-house amongst us,
And tane a strict survey of all our properties,
Our statues and our images of Gods; our Planets and our constellations
Our Giants, Monsters, Furies, Beasts, and Bug-Beares,
Our Helmets, Shields, and Vizors, Haires, and Beards,
Our Pastbord March-paines, and our Wooden Fies.

Sirrah be briefe, be not you now as long in
Telling what he saw, as he surveying.

Whether he thought twas some inchanted Castle,
Or Temple, hung and pild with Monuments
Of uncouth, and of various aspects,
I dive not to his thoughts, wonder he did
A while it seem'd, but yet undanted stood:
When on the suddaine, with thrice knightly force,
And thrice, thrice, puissant at me he snatcheth downe
The sword and shield that I playd Bivis with,
Rusheth amongst the foresaid properties,
Kils Monster, after Monster; takes the Puppets
Prisoners, knocks downe the Cyclops, tumbles all
Our jigambobs and trinckets to the wall.
Spying at last the Crowne and royall Robes
Ith upper wardrobe, next to which by chance,
The divells vizors hung, and their flame painted
Skin coates; those he remov'd with greater fury,
And (having cut the infernall ugly faces,
All into mamocks) with a reverend hand,
He takes the imperiall diadem and crownes
Himselfe King of the Antipodes, and beleeves.

He has justly gaind the Kingdome by his conquest.

Let him injoy his fancy.

Doctor Hughball
Hath sooth'd him in't, so that nothing can
Be said against it, he begins to governe
With purpose to reduce the manners
Of this country to his owne, h'has constituted
The Doctor his chiefe officer; whose Secretary
I am to be, you'l see a Court well orderd.

I see th'event already, by the ayme
Letoy wispers With Barbara.
The Doctor takes, proceed you with your play,
And let him see it in what state he pleases.

I goe my Lord.

Trust me, this same Extempore,
(I know not's tother name) pleases me better
For absolute action then all the rest.

You were best beg him of his Lord.

Say you so?
He's busie, or Ide move him,

Prithee doe so,
Good Mistres Blaze; goe with her gentle Lady,
to Marth.
Do as she bids you, you shall get a child by't.

Ile doe as any body bids me for a childe.

Diana yet be wise, beare not the name
Of sober chastity to play the beast in.

Thinke not your selfe, nor make your selfe a beast,
Before you are one, and when you appeare so,
Then thanke your selfe; your jealousie durst not trust me,
Behinde you in the country, and since I me here,
Ile see and know, and follow th'fashion; if
It be to cuckold you, I cannot helpe it.

I now could wish my sonne had beene as farre
In the Antipodes as he thinkes himselfe,
Ere I had runne this hazzard.

Y'are instructed.

And Ile perform't I warrant you my Lord.

Ex. Ba. Mar.
Why should you wish so? had you rather loose
Your son then please your wife? you shew your love both waies.

Now whats the matter?

Nothing, nothing.—

Sit, the Actors enter.
