University of Virginia Library



Mist-phantoms wove apace ere night-glooms fled
Their elfin webs of rime, till purelier stoled
Than moon-blanched lilies, glistering fold on fold,
Our frost-charmed wood beneath the dawn rose-red
A splendour grew of spangled boughs dispread
And light-flushed glades, all dazzling to behold,
With gems besprent for dew, for dust clear gold,
From wizard treasuries pearled and diamonded.
Methought: a voice among the undying Dead,
Who saw and sang, the enduring joy hath told
Of even such brief frail beauty. But instead
Came ruffling by a blast of north wind cold,
And wailed withal a word that Shelley said:
Alas, then, for the homeless beggar old!