University of Virginia Library


[Not until Thy work was done]

Not until Thy work was done,
Faithful servant of the Lord!
And thy Crown of Glory won,
(Self-devotion's sure reward!)
Didst thou at the Master's feet
Lay thy crook, so meekly borne,
And (thy sleep of death how sweet!)
Wake to an Eternal Morn.
Now the blessed of thy fold
Thou hast heard with rapt surprise,
(Robed in white,) with harps of gold
Hail thy advent to the skies;
As before the Throne of Light
They beheld thee prostrate fall—
Faith and Hope confirm'd by sight,
And Christ the Saviour All in All!
Though in sorrow we abide,
(Be the parting tear forgiven!)
We're not left without a guide
In our homeward path to Heaven.
Thy example handed down
Is the star by which to steer,
If, like thee, to glory's crown
We would prove our title clear.