University of Virginia Library


TO ------.

In bona cur quisquam tertius ista venit? Ovid.

So! Rosa turns her back on me,
Thou walking monument! for thee;
Whose visage, like a grave-stone scribbled,
With vanity bedaub'd, befribbled,
Tells only, to the reading eye,
That underneath corrupting lie,
Within thy heart's contagious tomb,
(As in a cemetery's gloom,)
Suspicion, rankling to infection,
And all the worms of black reflection!
And thou art Rosa's dear elect,
And thou hast won the lovely trifle;
And I must bear repulse, neglect,
And I must all my anguish stifle:


While thou for ever linger'st nigh,
Scowling, mutt'ring, gloating, mumming,
Like some sharp, busy, fretful fly,
About a twinkling taper humming.