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Lyrics and Dramas

by Stephen Phillips

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“Woman Wailing for Her Demon Lover”

Singing through the corn she goes;
She no mortal sorrow knows;
Singing clear as doth a brook,
Rilling in a secret nook.
Virgin is she in her thought,
Lonely is she and unsought;
All her soul is pure and free,
Still as is the frozen sea.
Yet away! Nor come again!
For to love her were but pain;
Vainly, vainly to pursue,
Eyes of light and luring blue.


Tell your passion! take her hand!
Ah! she cannot understand
Beautiful exceedingly;
Perfect and without pity.
Flee the maiden, lest she speak
The faëry word, that makes thee weak!
She they say in moonlight whist
By a demon hath been kissed.