University of Virginia Library


The leaves about the rook's nest stir,
The mist stirs on the fen
Sir Knight, leap down, if thou would'st pass
Unhunted through the glen.

Fair lady, leave me not so soon,
And warder, why that fear,
Lady, beyond the seas and hills
My home hath little cheer,
It waits with chapel and tower and hall
Vacant from year to year.


Farewell, farewell! if it could be—
Alas! what would I say—
To-morrow at night return again—
Now haste thee, oh haste thee away.

Let me yet listen, she is gone,
Then cold blank wall, farewell!
At midnight again—! but oh, blessed wall,
Thou'lt never a secret tell?

Johannes wakes, I hear his hound
Shaking his collar. So!
Step warily, hold fast my hand,
Thank god he is safe below!
And hark, the sun-rise bugle-horn,
Ya tee-ra-lee, ya ho!