University of Virginia Library



When a wand'ring me listeth to go,
Then lists me to wander alone,
To look from an old grey crag,
Or muse on an old grey stone.
But, alone if me lists not to go,
One only shall wander with me;
And, if her fair name thou wouldst know,
Thyself, lovely maiden, art she!
For thou'rt a part of mine own heart,
And I, when most alone,
Am full of Thee, and my best thoughts
Are less than half my own.
When I sit on an old grey stone,
And see the wild roses nod,


So bright, so lucid, so pure,
So fresh from the bosom of God,
I look and I love them; for why?
'Tis a very small matter, a rose!
But I look with a light from thine eye,
And I love but thy bloom in the rose;
For thou'rt a part, etc.
When I sit on an old green hill,
And see the fresh-bickering fountains
Leap forth, and wander at will
From the heart of the giant-ribbed mountains!
I love the clear becks as they leap;
But who will my fancy condemn,
When I see thy bright thoughts ever keep
A light-racing bicker with them?
For thou'rt a part, etc.
When I hear the blithe birds in the wood
Their full-souled love-ditties indite,
Making Heaven of green solitude,
And thrilling sweet June with delight;
Think I, all the Muses could never
Invent fitter measures for me;


For such are the ditties that ever
My heart-strings are harping to thee!
For thou'rt a part, etc.
Then, maid, if thee listeth to go,
Me listeth with thee, or alone,
To look from an old grey crag,
Or to muse on an old grey stone.
But if thou don't love solitudes,
Then work here at home like a bee,
While I go and bring from the woods
A bundle of songs made for thee!
For thou'rt a part of mine own heart,
And I, when most alone,
Am full of Thee, and my best thoughts
Are less than half my own!